Plot of the story:
The story takes place in Limbo City, a modern-day city secretly controlled by all-powerful demons, manipulating humanity through the comforts of life, with the demons themselves living in a parallel plane called 'Limbo'. Living on the fringes of the brainwashed society is Dante, a young man at odds with the demons who constantly hunt him and the civilian authorities they control. Dante is warned by a young woman named Kat that he is in danger. After being pulled into Limbo, Dante is guided through the Bellevue Pier's carnival by Kat, who can see into Limbo with her psychic powers. After returning to the human dimension, Dante is asked to join Kat in heading back to speak with her boss.
Along the way, Kat explains that she is part of "The Order", a rogue vigilante organization led by Vergil intent on exposing the demons and releasing the world from their control. Vergil tells Dante that with his help the Order can bring down the demons. Dante learns that he and Vergil are the children of Sparda and Eva. Vergil reveals that Sparda and Eva were demon and angel respectively and bore Dante and Vergil. Dante and Vergil are Nephilim; They are capable of killing the cruel Demon King Mundus, Sparda's former ally. Afraid of the Nephilim children, Mundus attacked the family and killed Eva. He then condemned Sparda to banishment and eternal torture after the former demon General spirited his sons to safety, wiped their memories for their own protection and gave each a sword (Rebellion for Dante, Yamato for Vergil). After this, Dante resolves to help Vergil bring down Mundus and his regime.
Dante, with help from Kat, gradually takes down Mundus' operations. he is later contacted by Phineas, an elderly demon imprisoned by Mundus. Dante sees that the Order is being massacred. He returns and finds Kat and Vergil alive. While Vergil escapes with his brother, Kat is brutally beaten and dragged away by SWAT troops. Hoping to get Kat back, Dante kidnaps Mundus' demon concubine, Lilith, who is pregnant with his child. He offers to exchange, Lilith for Kat. However, Vergil kills Lilith and her child, triggering a firefight from which the three allies only narrowly escape an enraged attack by Mundus from his stronghold in Silverstack Towers. Kat, recovering from her injuries, tells them of a way into the Towers. With the remnants of the Order, Dante and Vergil infiltrate the Towers and confront Mundus, who is drawing power from the Hellgate, a portal to his realm within his office. The Demon King tries to kill Dante, but Vergil closes the Hellgate and stabs Mundus in the back. Mundus forms a new body for himself and attacks the brothers again. Mundus is eventually defeated, and with him the shield keeping demons across the world invisible dissolves, leaving the demons visible to humans and fusing the human world and Limbo together.
After Mundus' defeat, Vergil reveals his true intentions: with Mundus gone and their family avenged, he intends to rule humanity. Dante is appalled at Vergil's callous attitude towards humans and opposes him. Before Dante kills Vergil, Kat begs him to relent. Dante does so and Vergil escapes. Faced with a world now infested with demons, Dante questions his own identity with Kat comforting him claiming he's "Dante, nothing more and nothing less."
The DLC chapter Vergil's Downfall follows Vergil after escaping from Dante. He finds himself in an unknown dimension, where he is guided by the voice of Eva to "head toward the lights". Vergil reaches the light area but is stopped by illusions of Kat and Dante, who stabs him again. Vergil is saved by a hollow version of himself and is transported to an area where he has to fight in order to heal his wounds. In his journey Vergil kills the illusions to heal his wounds, and left Eva to mourn after discovering what a monster he had become. Vergil later defeats his hollow counterpart and takes his amulet. Vergil then returns to the real world where he becomes the new Demon King.
I get my copy of the game from my classmate, when i started playing this game it's like i'm stacked at it, it's like i wanted to finish the game to know the story behind it, I actually entice in the graphics, the story, and above all, the combos, it makes me happy whenever i make a combo on my enemy.. hahahha :D
Here are some screenshots i searched in google XD
- adik ako dito
I can only say great, from graphics, characters, everything. great.